"I understand. Your heart may feel dead and gone, but it's there. Something wild and strong and valiant, just waiting to be released." - J. Eldredge

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Much anticipated

Remember THIS? And THIS? Oh, to look back and think about just how much we anticipated our little one. To have her in my arms on her birth day and wonder how something so wonderful lived inside of me for 9 months. To introduce her to friends and family and be graced with new clothes for a 6 month old baby. To say thank you while thinking about how long it will be before she will be big enough to wear 6 month clothes; unable to process in my mind  what a 6 month old Hazel would look like. To remember that last week of pregnancy and pray for it all to be over so that I could finally hold my little. To wonder who it was inside of me. Six months later, to be in a sense of awe and wonder that the person I anticipated and prayed for, far exceeds my expectations.

Hazel Joy is six months old today. Somehow time flew right by us, and suddenly she does fit in those 6 month clothes. She sits at the table with us and we share avocado and bananas. She's not that newborn I would like to cling to. She's growing and thriving. Hazel's smile and laughter ensures me that she loves life. She's so much more than that happy girl I had in my mind that I prayed for. She's better.

She talks to me in her baby babble, reaching for my face to turn my head so she knows I'm listening. It must be something very important. Every day she surprises us, makes us laugh and brings so much joy to this house.

We lead busy busy lives and I'm so thankful for gift that we get to have her here with us. She's the best roommate we could have asked for.

Here's to the next six months!!

One hour old.

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