"I understand. Your heart may feel dead and gone, but it's there. Something wild and strong and valiant, just waiting to be released." - J. Eldredge

Thursday, December 15, 2011

An Update! In a Hazelnut shell!

My girl will be 12 weeks old on Saturday! I can't believe it. It's gone by so fast, and yet her birthday seems ages away as details are beginning to fade. She still spits up a lot, and she cries even more now, but God help me, I love that girl to the moon, orbiting it 6 billion times and back again. She is just what we thought she'd be; a Joy. Everyone said in the beginning that she looked so much like me. I have to admit that I secretly loved that and was hoping for a little mini - me. But everyday she looks more and more like her daddy. I don't particularly care for the amazing scream she can belt out for hours at a time, but just when I think all hope is lost, she suddenly quiets down and snuggles into my neck, right where her little (big) Ian- head fits. In my mommy - nook. She started smiling for me at 5 weeks and has begun to smile more throughout the day and for others as well. Last week she discovered her hands and likes to make fists. At the end of last week, she started making fish faces. Just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. She hates to be changed. I hate it when she kicks her feet into her poopy diaper. We're pretty much even by the time that happy moment is over. But seriously, her cry; it's like death ringing in your ear. And when she gets really mad, I mean REALLY mad, she tenses up and screams until she's hoarse, takes a big breath and does it five more times in a row. I don't know how she gets through her day without a Ricolla. Then, she suddenly decides she's happy, and the daintiest little coo comes out of her mouth like we didn't just go through colic hell. She sleeps through the night, naps are a crap-shoot and she prefers to be in the know at all times. The girl can't miss a thing. We spend most of our days together and I can't bear the thought of returning to Starbucks, even part time. What a drag. It will be an adjustment, for sure. Some nights, I long for bed time, when the house is quiet and I know for at least 8-12 hours, I won't hear the scream 3 inches from my ear. Then she goes to bed and after about an hour, I long for her. A mama's love, I guess.

But really, this face is irresistible.

This is a short snip-it of Haze meeting her new cousin, Manny when he was just a day old last week. Truthfully, I was trying to take a picture, but didn't realize I had the camera on video, so as it goes with tots and babes, I wasn't quick enough to get the photo, but I do have this useless 4 second video forever. So there's that.

I think she likes him! And I think he has no idea what he's in for.
This is what I do with my days....

And that's what I do with my evenings. Please excuse the singing. I have no professional training. 

She loves loves loves bath time, and hates getting dressed. I can't remember life without her and wouldn't want it any other way. She's my joy reminder. She's a blessing. She's so very loved. 

So all in all, aside from her male pattern baldness, I'd go as far as to say Hazel, if she could speak, would say she is enjoying her life thus far. More to come, baby girl! So much more to come!

1 comment:

  1. Love her!!! And I don't think I've seen enough of her! :) Let's get together.... (and thank you for your kind words!)
