"I understand. Your heart may feel dead and gone, but it's there. Something wild and strong and valiant, just waiting to be released." - J. Eldredge

Friday, December 16, 2011

I certify_______________.

A friend came to visit today, and like many others, she stated, "I can't believe you guys are parents!"

Yes, my sentiments exactly. We can't believe it either.

Sometimes I can't believe there isn't going to be a mommy coming to pick Hazel up at the end of the day. She's not coming, because that mom is ME!

So weird.

My first moment of panic about being her soul provider came when I took her to the pediatrician at three days old. I was filling out paper work, and suddenly the term, "parent/guardian" made my eyes pop out of my head. For whatever reason, mother, mom, or mama never sounded strange to me, but parent/guardian was serious business. It sounded so official. Suddenly decisions that had already been discussed and made, like, vaccines, for instance, needed more thought. Who should they call if I can't be reached? I DON'T KNOW!

Why don't I know? I'm the mama, for crying out loud!

It was as if Hazel's future flashed before me. I, the parent/guardian, was signing a release to allow childcare, indoor soccer, kindergarten, field trips, t-ball, ballet, swim lessons, gymnastics, youth group retreats, mission trips, college.....

Um, am I qualified to make these decisions?

I don't know. But here' goes!

Here' goes, Hazel. We'll try not to mess up too much!

1 comment:

  1. :) I love this post... what a strange reality it is... so weird. and amazing. MERRY CHRISTMAS to your little fam!
