"I understand. Your heart may feel dead and gone, but it's there. Something wild and strong and valiant, just waiting to be released." - J. Eldredge

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Three Lbs

I have three pounds to go before I reach my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm kind of happy about that. Things have definitely changed, though. My pants don't fit and last night I tried to do leg lifts and, well, I don't have abdominal muscles anymore. I had Ian push my legs down while I tried to bring them back up without my heels touching the floor. My goal was to do 50 and I think I did 15. I should cut myself some slack. I stopped working out regularly after graduating high school. But this feels like starting at square one. It never felt so daunting before because I was always active, so I never really had to build muscle from nothing. Now I have to rebuild what a 23 pound weight gain stretched out.

Side note: Another benefit to nursing is the weight loss. It helps a lot. Especially if you have a baby barracuda like I do.

Anywho. Just days before I found out I was pregnant, I started throwing around the idea of running a half marathon. There was one scheduled in New York on October 2nd of this year, so naturally, as I was moving away from New York, I thought it would be a really good excuse to visit.  Then I found out I was due October 4th so marathon training was off the table. But now it's back on the table. I'm a little nervous because running doesn't come naturally to me, let alone running 13 miles. Though they aren't kidding when they say childbirth is empowering, so I'm going to give running another go.

I have to start from square one. Forget marathon training at this point. At this point in my life, I am a novice runner. I've done the research, and I'll have to start by running 4 times a week for a half an hour. Running for 1 minute, walking for 2, and repeating this process until it's time to add more time to running. It sounds so redic, but I'm sure if I tried to run once around the track, non stop, I'd get a little lot winded.

I'd like to reach a point where I enjoy the run. When I can look forward to that time in my day. I'm not there yet. This is the training program that I'm going to work from. I think it would be awesome to run a half by summer, but we'll see. For sure, though, next fall I'm going to be ready for a half marathon and maybe even 50 leg lifts.

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