"I understand. Your heart may feel dead and gone, but it's there. Something wild and strong and valiant, just waiting to be released." - J. Eldredge

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I read THIS yesterday. With that said, I'm getting grumpy. More irritable by the day. I don't like this. It's not becoming, even for being 9 months prego. No one likes to be around a grump! I can attest to that because this pregnancy has made me a little more sassy than usual, and I've found myself telling people around me to take off their grumpy pants and put something more pleasant on for the sake of the rest of us! And now I'm the one donning the ghastly apparel.

Can't have it.

But, you see, today we met with one of the 5 midwives that could be there to deliver the baby. I'm trying to like all of them. And not that I dislike this one, I just hope she's not the one on call when I do go into labor. There. I said it.

In more delightful news, FALL IS HERE!!

I couldn't be happier about that. (A pumpkin spice white mocha would be nice, but I'll live). I love the crisp air. I love the fair scones,(yeah I cheated. You would too, though) the colors we decorate with, the new seasons on TV. I love it!

We have an exciting fall ahead of us. I'm looking forward to starting in a Sunday school class, we'll have small groups once a week at our house, I've joined a MOPS group, and Ian starts school this week. Oh, and, we're having a baby.

Pretty full schedge.

What do you like about fall?

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